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Alternatives to Growth
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Model Ordinances

Many communities are struggling with the costs of growth and its negative impact on our quality of life. These ordinances are a first step for communities to cover the costs of growth up to the amounts allowable by the state, and to keeping their citizens informed about the negative impacts of growth.

Keep in the mind the following when presenting and or adopting the ordinances in your community:

  • The ordinances are bare bones.
  • Your community will need to adopt its own format and procedures.
  • Any jurisdiction contemplating passage should have their own legal counsel review these ordinances to be sure that they comply with all laws and regulations applicable to that jurisdiction.
  • It is likely that any jurisdiction would want to expand the findings to fit their actual situation.

Full Systems Development Charges Ordinance

  • Requires that the full amount of all systems development charges allowed by state law be collected from the developer.
  • The ordinance as written includes an exemption for affordable housing.
  • Fees could be waived for any purpose if approved by voters.

Growth Impacts Disclosure Ordinance

  • Prohibits the jurisdiction adopting any ordinance or taking other action constituting a growth related action without first preparing a taxpayer and quality of life impact statement.
  • Requires the jurisdiction to provide notice to affected households and to prepare a taxpayer and quality of life impact statement on the impacts and costs of increasing housing densities and sprawl on:
    • existing traffic patterns;
    • traffic congestion;
    • commute times;
    • air quality;
    • availability of land for parks and open spaces;
    • adequacy of fire, ambulance and police protection with special attention to cost increases;
    • adequacy of existing infrastructure for streets, water, and sewers with special attention to cost increases;
    • increases of teacher/student ratios;
    • adequacy of existing school facilities;
    • fish and wildlife;
    • water quantity and quality; and
    • quietness.
  • Requires the taxpayer and quality of life impact statement to be made available to the public and prepared in an understandable manner.
  • Requires notice to the public and affected parties on any proposed increases in development.

Governor Kulongoski
Tell Governor Kulongoski to cut growth subsidies, not education or social services!
Brookings Report Validates AGO!
Brookings Report Validates AGO!
Toolkit for Growth Activists
Take Charge! See the Toolkit for Growth Activists.
